TICKSTICKS is a framework to deliver key outcomes and experiences of CfE for High School. TICKS for High School is an extension of the ecoLearn Framework for Primary School.
TICKS allows students from P7,S1 to S6 (Nat 4,5, Highers (New) and Adv. Highers (New)) to engage in activity and skills based courses which helps them in Personal & Self Development and develop into subject matter experts. It complements their school preparations for exams and helps students appear their Nat 5, Higher and Adv. Higher with confidence. TICKS is a methodology which brings the 3S together Subjects, Skills and Sectors |
Features3S (Subjects, Skills and Sectors)
Practice Sessions and TICKS available for
TICKS Covers and enhances the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) for Third and Senior Levels at High School. |
Address: 34 St. Enochs Square, G1 4DF, Scotland T: +44 131 6037976 @ecmcoreltd
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